Tweets by @morningblend56 According to Mary: Lost in Chicago (part ll)

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Lost in Chicago (part ll)

I've been traveling around a bit these days - from the prairies of South Dakota, to metropolitan
Chicago, and in two weeks, I will be traveling back home to the woods of Michigan.  Des Moines, I love you, but it's good to be on these journeys.

I find myself in a city where something very interesting is happening.  A new archbishop for Chicago was announced this morning.  Everyone knew who it would be but a news conference was called and everyone in the Catholic KNOW (which is different from the Catholic SEE) needed to voice an opinion (would that be the Catholic SAY?) about the selection.  However, Holy Name Cathedral was silent and dark.  For a long time I had the place to myself.  I don't know what I expected...a band?

Strangely enough this new archbishop-to-be was also a former Bishop of South Dakota. When he was moved to Spokane, the Pope made Fr. Bob (a priest I knew from Pella) a new Bishop to take his place.  So at times the Catholic world gets smaller - even to a Protestant.

I stayed too long at a TJ Max store that had just opened downtown and had to walk back to hotel in the rain. Umbrellas opened up like poppies around me.  I guess a true Chicagoan would carry one...just in case.

I got wet.

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