Tweets by @morningblend56 According to Mary: Being a "5"

Friday, September 19, 2014

Being a "5"

Here are my friend's observations about being a 5 on the enneagram. Since I share that unfortunate number with her I asked if I could share it you. 😊

  • Searching for answers yet always slightly fearful that the answers might kill us. (Insatiably curiosity killed the cat, you know.)
  • Not wanting what we need. And sometimes not needing anything.
  • Wondering for fun and not profit.
  • Feeling highly creative and competent, or highly inept, depending on the day.
  • Being able to have fun all by ourselves

"We are not the most lovable types except for the wonderful connections that leap out of our heads when we are not trying...sometimes a poem, sometimes an insight, sometimes a pun. But we take no ownership - except to laugh in delight as if someone else had said it."

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