Tweets by @morningblend56 According to Mary: Wishing Well

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Wishing Well

My boss and co-workers from Gosselinks came over last night to sit in my camper and to enjoy each others company one last time. You all make coming to work a joy! (See above) And best wishes to Lana, the newest employee who will be learning the job while I'm gone. (Lana...don't believe a word Chris says.)

Church goodbyes, work goodbyes, friend goodbyes, family goodbyes, just-in-case-I-don't-see- you-before-you-go-goodbyes... Thanks to all of you who have wished us well and God speed.
(Of course, there are some of you that I will be talking to more on the road than I do when I am at home trying to balance daily life! US know who you are.)


Here are some of the personal things that I am taking to entertain myself on the road.

Recorder (instrument) and music books...
Genealogy charts
Italian and Spanish and Sign Language books (Spanish is more practical, but Italian is prettier.)
Bird and Tree and Rock Identification books
Laptop Computer which becomes my office, post office, library, road maps, telephone book, newspaper, darkroom, and weatherman as well as entertainment. I'll be missing the Olympics!
A sudoku book
I plan to pick up reading material as I go.

This week it has been hard work to stay in the moment and not be distracted by what's ahead... It's like Cal and I are studying for different exams and the tests are coming! He is an experienced biker and I am an experienced camper...but never before like this.

Cal wrote about "bonking."
I am hitting the wall in my own way.
I think I know how birds must feel in late summer when they are gathering to migrate...


Anonymous said...

You have my thoughts, prayers, anticipations, and encouragement.

I will live vicariously through your trip because I don't see anything quite as interesting in my summer....I know, I have plenty to keep my life occupied, just not seeing the country.

Love you guys and looking forward to watching you.

Mary Meuzelaar said...

Thanks Rosa.
You are indeed traveling with me- the picture of all three of you is clipped on the minivan visor along with the "marching orders" I received

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary,
I'm excited to find your blog!

Anonymous said...

Hi Mary & Cal,
I found your Blog and I can track you both from here, how exciting! :) I spent fathers weekend at Watkins Mill State park (7 miles east of Kearney, MO with my 3grown children and their families. Two tents and a fifth wheel.

This pray is for both of you...Your death on the cross has set me free.
I can live joyously and freely
without fear of death.
Your mercy knows no bounds.

Your bible study friend,
Fermin Falcon

Anonymous said...

Hi Lana and Falcon!
I'm glad you found me. It's nice to have company on the road.
