The blues have kicked in. Or maybe it's called reality. I think most of you know what I mean. Cal will not heal as fast as he expected and after enjoying an outdoor life, I feel caged and weary. Unpacking was not as much fun as packing. But all of this is to be expected...that's the advantage of living life with a therapist. The spiritual challenge is to live in thanksgiving and trust while feeling sad and impatient.
Cal has been to the doctor and we saw x-rays again. Yikes! Worse than we thought.
As for my dear friend, Cher... can we blame you for this too?
I wonder things like... why is my house so big? And why do I need all this stuff? Why is modern life so complicated? The simplicity of taking care of daily needs is a lesson I want to be able to transfer to Pella and I am not sure how or that I can.
But the Lessons of the Road...that there are angels all around....that I can be concerned but I do not need to be anxious... that the Godly Life in all its variety is a beautiful thing.... that CNN's strange tabloid of War and Hatred is all the more strange when all I experienced on this trip was kindness and helpfulness... and that most people are just trying to find some happiness...these are things I want to transfer to my daily life wherever it may be. Christ's description of people as a flock without a shepherd really fits and the result is compassion. We, as Christians, often think that it is so obvious and's not. We need to make it obvious by loving life and each other with understanding and kindness. Simple kindness cannot be overrated. We are all travelers.
End of sermon. On to life.
My heart yearns for simplicity too. It is hard place to travel to.
I love you Mary. I so miss your life interpretations and your laugh! Praying for contentment for you,comfort and strength each new day for Cal. No, not taking the blame for this one. :(
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