Tweets by @morningblend56 According to Mary: Fork in the Road

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Fork in the Road

We put in a very long day driving and we are parked at a rest stop getting some sleep before we reach our destination tomorrow. At least Cal is. We are at the Columbia River which divides Washington and Oregon and we will head down the coast to Florence and be there in plenty of time to relax before Sunday. This day has been a blur. Stretches of beauty and stretches of boredom. Bounty and desolation. And sometimes the desolation was beautiful. It all went by so fast. I am glad that during the bike ride the pace will be a little slower and not interstate roads.

I have really learned to appreciate cruise control.

I am learning to appreciate why Iowa farmland is so valuable and how very rare rich flat earth is. I imagine the pioneers and wagon trains traveling the kind of distances that I traveled today and seeing what I saw. It blows my mind. I remember my kids playing Oregon Trail in Mr B's class in school. Did you get to Oregon alive, Rachel?

I see all sorts of things to be curious about, but no time for answers today.

Did you know it's against the law to pump your own gas in Oregon?

God is good and we are almost there!




prairiewash said...

Sunday is "dip the tire in the ocean and head east" day?
Will you baptize Rosie while Cal is busy wetting his bike tires? Did he name his bike? I suppose he didn't. I wouldn't expect it of him afterall but it would be nice to be able to pray for Cal and his trusty bike Elmer, or Cal and Tonto, or Cal and Bilbo (the road goes ever on...)
Love to read your blog but I think the years in IA have blunted your senses; surely this year of all years, Nebraska and all states west must be green and blooming! SD is.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the picture. Now we need a early morning picture from the top of a rise looking over a high plains valley. D & N

Beth said...

Dear Cal and Mary, We just opened your blog and are already enjoying your journey. We will pray for your safety as you embark on the "ride of your life". We'll be in Florida for 2 weeks and will be checking the internet occasionally in a local coffee shop. Take care. Clyde and Beth